The Four HVAC Terms You Need to Know Now
We usually don’t spend too much time thinking about our AC systems. We just want them – and expect them – to work. And when the AC fails, we don’t think much about the replacement other than the fact that it needs to be replaced ASAP, and the fact that the cost involved wasn’t likely an expected expense. Five Good Reasons Why You Should Replace Your Old HVAC System in the Fall According to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately three million HVAC units require repair or replacement each year, meaning homeowners will be faced with big-ticket decisions that affect their indoor comfort and energy costs for the next 15 or so years. But not all cold air is the same. Understanding the following four terms can help save money and increase your comfort level. SEER – Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio is a measure of system efficiency, which translates to how much it costs to operate. The higher the number, the more efficient the system. A SEER rating...